Bar 61, 3 Rue de l'Oise, 75019 Paris

The photographer Abdul Saboor will be at the 61 for a photo projection of his work in Serbia and Calais. Projection & discussion at 7pm Abdul Saboor, an afghan photographer, lives in France since three years. His work is about (…)

17.08.2021 → 11.09.2021
Paris Centre & Île-de-France

4,3,2,1… the summer festival of the agency of artists in exile → detailed program on festival.aa-e.org 4,3,2,1… is a countdown, an impulse post lockdown, a call for a new start, an attempt to think about time, an incentive to come (…)

13.08.2021 → 12.09.2021
In support of the Afghan artists of the exhibition "Kharmohra, l’Afghanistan au risque de l’art" Mucem (2019-2020)

The context In Marseille, a mobilization has been set up with the support of the MUCEM to evacuate the artists of the exhibition Kharmohra, l’Afghanistan au risque de l’art which took place there (November 2019-March 2020), and their families (wives, (…)

24.06.2021 → 25.06.2021
6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

The agency of artists in exile registered programming of its ephemeral gallery in pride month. The agency make sure to provide a safe place for its queer and LGBTIQA+ artists, to support their causes and make it known . Exhibition (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

The agency of artists in exile participate to the “fête de la musique” outside in compliance with sanitary measures. On the 21st of june, from 7pm to 10:30pm cour du 6 rue d’Aboukir 75002 Paris Programming : Simurgh (Kaveh Kavoosi, (…)

14 Boulevard Rouget de Lisle, 93100 Montreuil

Yacouba Konaté tells his story : a young man fleeing Ivory Coast passing by Niger, Libya and Tunisia to finally arrive in France 14 years later. Each moment of this storytelling for the young ones is related threw songs in (…)

29.05.2021 → 30.05.2021
6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Each month the agency of artists in exile transforms into an art gallery to focus on some artists about a topic. For the first rendez-vous , the exhibition «Blood» includes artworks of Mahmoud Halabi (Syria), Kaveh Kavoosi (Iran), Yannos Majestikos (…)

31.10.2020 → 06.02.2021

The 4th edition of the festival Visions d’exil, « from a lockdown to another », has been canceled 48 hours before it starts. But the agency still wants to show you the projects on which the artists worked ! During (…)

02.03.2020 → 31.08.2020

In February 2020, the aa-e launched a fundraising campaign to finance its French language course “learning French through art” and the renovation of its new premises… The current unprecedented situation has changed the direction of its campaign. Due to the (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Concert party in the agency of artists in exile ! Programming: Amari Natura, electro-caribbean Amari Natura mix caribbean traditional songs in the South America way with electro sounds, for a psychedelic universe which draws you into dance. Saho ba, afrobeat (…)

07.08.2020 → 10.08.2020
6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Outside music show Four singers and musicians will tell her stories threw texts and songs, one after another than together to speak about exile and their freedom quest.  Uyghur, iranian, sahrawi, congolese, venezuelian, they left their countries and fight for (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Concert party at the agency of artists in exile Programming: Aïda Salander, techno, house Aïda Salander is a tunisian DJ. She presents sets in interaction with her public : house, disco, techno… and she finds inspiration in her north african (…)

01.11.2019 → 30.11.2019
Palais de la Porte Dorée - Musée national de l'histoire de l'immigration ; Cité internationale des arts - Site de Montmartre ; Musée Eugène Delacroix ; Salle Principale ; La Dynamo des Banlieues Bleues...

For its third edition, from the 1st to 30th November 2019, the Visions d’exil festival, curated by the agency of artists in exile, chooses to take up the question of language and to relate it to artistic creation in its (…)

01.10.2019 → 18.10.2019
CCAM / Scène Nationale de Vandoeuvre (3 Rue de Parme, 54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy)

Photography / Exile Opening night tuesday 1st october at 19h Free exhibition, from october 1 – 18, 2019: TUE > FRI – 14:00 > 18:00 SAT 05 + SAT 12 OCTOBER – 14:00 > 18:00 At CCAM / Scène Nationale (…)

Les Subsistances, 8 bis quai Saint-Vincent, 69001 Lyon

Thursday 26 september, Les Subs host the first Party en Exil in Lyon, in partnership with l’atelier des artistes en exil, Res Publica and l’Ensba Lyon – Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon. The agenda for the evening… > (…)