show « Le Jeune Yacou »
14 Boulevard Rouget de Lisle, 93100 Montreuil
Yacouba Konaté tells his story : a young man fleeing Ivory Coast passing by Niger, Libya and Tunisia to finally arrive in France 14 years later. Each moment of this storytelling for the young ones is related threw songs in bambara french or arabic and accompanied by the percussionist Waly Saho. A music trip in Africa with the war as the seconday character.
With Yacouba Konaté (Ivory Coast) as the singer and Waly Saho (Gambia) as the percussionist.
On the 19th of June, at 7pm
Robert Desnos Library
14 Boulevard Rouget de Lisle, 93100 Montreuil
free on reservation 0183745858
for a young public starting from 8 years old