festival Visions d’exil in streaming
The 4th edition of the festival Visions d’exil, « from a lockdown to another », has been canceled 48 hours before it starts. But the agency still wants to show you the projects on which the artists worked !
During this lockdown period, the agency propose you a daily access on the website of the festival and on the social medias of : performances, concerts, immersion inside of the agency and archival documents.
Here is the daily programming of the week :
– Monday at 6pm : performances
– Tuesday at 6pm : life inside of the agency
– Wednesday at 6pm : artists portraits
– Tursday at 6pm : live at the Pavillon Carré de Baudouin
– Friday at 6pm : back to previous editions
– Saturday at 8pm : concerts
– Sunday at 6pm : archival documents
→ You can find lives and videos of the festival on our social medias (Facebook and Instagram) or on the website of the festival : visionsexil.aa-e.org.