20.06.2022 → 21.06.2022
6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

L’atelier des artistes en exil celebrates Pride Month as well as the fête de la musique with live performances and concerts,and a temporary exhibition on protests Protestations. exhibition → Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 June 6pm -10pm Fête de la musique (…)

the agency of artists in exile, 6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

L’atelier des artistes en exil débute ses soirées de cinéma avec une soirée de projections de court-métrages ! The agency of artists in exile starts its cinema evenings with some short films projections! With Empty View and The Fence by Ali Zareghanatnowi (Iran), (…)

28.04.2022 → 29.04.2022
the agency of artists in exile, 6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

An ephemeral gallery and a musical evening against war. exhibition → Thu 28th and Fri 29th of april from 6 to 10 pm : with Darya Apakhonchich (Russia), Tanya Cheprasova (Ukraine), Mambo’o D27 (Angola), Mahmoud Halabi (Syria), Omar Ibrahim (Syria), (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Dear artists, students and cultural figures, Fill out the form and send it to us to study your profile. If you are an artist in exile, please fill out the following form via this link. If you are a students (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Because of the occupation war in Ukraine, the agency of artists in exile in France (Paris, Marseille) opened an hotline for the Russian artists:  soutienartistesrusses@aa-e.org +33 6 52 41 15 13 (Telegram, Signal) В рамках оккупационной войны в Украине Ательє артистов (…)

La Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne, 17 rue Robert Degert, 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine

For Nidal Abdo “art is a way of subsistence. The core of a healing process.” The “triple identity” of the dancer and choreographer Nidal Abdo – Palestinian of stateless father, born in Syria, and of Ukrainian mother – leads him (…)

Maison des Métallos, 94 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011, Paris

A night between here and elsewhere With Judith Depaule, the agency of artists in exile and Mabel Octobre, the Maison des métallos is telling stories, artistic gestures and makes connections and objects for a night party wanted like an uninterrupted (…)

Le 360 Paris Music Factory, 32 Rue Myrha, 75018 Paris

Concert of Ustad Ibrahimi Ibrahimi and his family who form a music group inspired by traditional afghan music and its genres such as attan, herati, tapa. Born in 1972 in Nangarhar, Afghanistan, in a musicians’ family, Ustad Ibrahim Ibrahimi is (…)

09.03.2022 → 09.04.2022
Mairie de Paris Centre, 2 Rue Eugène Spuller, 75003 Paris

The exhibition Remasks presents a set of variations created by artists of the aa-e on the topic of the mask. These variations evoke the wearing of the health mask that has marked our lives since the beginning of the pandemic, but also (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

at 1:15pm and 2:30pm at the agency of artists in exile 6 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Directed by young unaccompanied minors and the artist Amer Abazid. Followed by a short concert of Mijose Mpuisani (singing and piano). For 5 weeks, the (…)

La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne

Mixing songs, dance and humor, Self-Entitlement is a personal play of an artist in exile, torn between two cultures. Mahmoud El Haddad tries to understand and to accept what implies the transition from a society with which he never identified (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

from 6pm to 10pm – the agency of artists in exile opens wide its doors for a festive moment The occasion to discover: – The new place of the agency – The artworks with the presence of the artists (all (…)