
president: Jacques Pornon

direction: Judith Depaule
general coordination: Laura Dubois
administration: Nancy Aguilera

head of the music department: Imed Alibi
head of the visual arts department: Louise Morin
head of the performing arts department: Judith Depaule
international cooperation: Aura Burzynski

head of the French school: Myrtille Gasparutto
teachers of the French school: Imen Amiri, Estelle André Chabrolin, Fahima Bousba, Juliette de Laroque, Agnès Disset, Laurène Folleas, Hélène Innusa, Marie Levy, Margot Monsillon, Jade Mroueh,  Alice Voisin

coordination of the emergency department: Kheira Ardennes
national coordination for Afghan artists: Ali Hazara
national coordination for Ukrainian artists: Snizhana Krasnytska
national coordination for Russian artists: Adèle Costa and Tatiana Efrussi
social work: Clémence Plesse

reception desk : Cindie Chams, Mamoune Mohammad Hassan, Kaveh Kavoosi
janitor: Ibrahim Adam
location manager: Andriy Vatrych
inventory: Zama Phakhati

direction of the aa-e Marseille : Sarah Gorog
assistant director of the aa-e marseille: Nicolas Stolypine
coordination of the aa-e Marseille : Camille Cousin

graphic and web design: Studio des formes
press agent: Philippe Boulet
translation to Arabic: Omar Haydar
translation to the Farsi: Younes Faghihi
translation to the spanish: Santiago Londoño
translation to the russian: Ariane Hoareau
translation to the burmese: Ingyin

thanks to all the volunteers, interns and civic services