Syrian animated films projections

Université Paris Diderot
Amphi Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris

During the special event “Nous venons du futur: films d’animation syriens”, organised by Université Paris Diderot, Amer Albarzawi and Mohammad Hijazi, two syrian filmmakers from the agency of artists in exile, will present their short animated films.


18h > reception with Pascal Dibie and Catherine Coquio

Intro :
• The General’s Boot, by Akram Agha, 2008 (14’)
• ABC DOUBLESPEAK, by Yasmeen Fanari, 2010 (3’)

Why animated cinema?
Presentation by Hala Alabdalla

4 movies by Jalal Maghout :
• Tree Story, 2008 (51’’)
• Canvas on Mixed Media, 2013 (5’10)
• Nous venons du futur, 2014 (3’2)
• Suleima, 2014 (14’19)

The expression of a generation :
• L’enfant et la mer by Samer Ajouri, 2016 (inédit, 6’)
• Sorry I drowned, by Hussein Nakhal and David Habchy, 2017 (6’30) – film libanais
• Bullet by Khaled Abdelwahed, 2011 (2’)
• Fade To Black by Amer Albarzawi, 2015 (1’11)
• Yaman by Amer Albarzawi, 2016 (4’)
• A Day in Detainee’s Family Life by Mohammad Hijazi, 2016 (2’4)

• Syrie 2087 by Anna Banout, 2017 (3’45)

19h30 > Meeting and discussion 
with Yasmeen Fanari, Jalal Maghout, Amer Albarzawi, Mohammad Hijazi, Samer Ajouri


Tuesday 12th of december, 18 h
Amphi Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion 75013 PARIS

Free, registration required : formulaire en ligne.
For more information: Université Paris Diderot 01 57 27 59 37

Event link