07.08.2020 → 10.08.2020
6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Outside music show Four singers and musicians will tell her stories threw texts and songs, one after another than together to speak about exile and their freedom quest.  Uyghur, iranian, sahrawi, congolese, venezuelian, they left their countries and fight for (…)

6 rue d'Aboukir, 75002 Paris

Concert party at the agency of artists in exile Programming: Aïda Salander, techno, house Aïda Salander is a tunisian DJ. She presents sets in interaction with her public : house, disco, techno… and she finds inspiration in her north african (…)

at l'atelier des artistes en exil

The Agency of artists in exile cordially invites you to its open studios which will take place on 14th of March 2019 from 18-21h. This will be an opportunity to get to know the artists and their practices. The agency (…)

01.02.2019 → 28.02.2019
agency of artistes on exile

Dear friends, here is our program for the month of February

14.09.2018 → 14.09.2018
l'atelier des artistes en exil

The Atelier des artistes en exile is opening it’s doors to you whether you’re an enthusiast or just curious about arts, you are invited to our Open Day, Friday, September 14th from 6 to 9 pm. An opportunity for everyone (…)

23.07.2018 → 27.07.2018
l'atelier des artistes en exil

A week of collective work around the question of story and storytelling: “to tell one’s story, how, why?”. With the intervention of French actresses and comedians. This workshop will be filmed and recorded by two film technicians. Several possibilities will (…)

23.03.2018 → 23.03.2018
102 rue des Poissonniers
75018 Paris

The Atelier des artistes en exile invite you to its Open Day, Friday, March 23rd from 6 to 9 pm. An opportunity for everyone to discover: – The  astounding work of our numerous artists (all origins, all artistic disciplines combined) – (…)

01.02.2018 → 31.03.2018

The atelier of artists in exile (aa-e) is launching a fundraising campaign for artists in exile on the crowdfunding website Ulule.  Go to Ulule | Support artists in exile ! A unique structure in France, the aa-e’s mission is to support (…)

atelier des artistes en exil,
102 rue des Poissonniers

A collective singing class will be held every Wednesday from 3 pm to 5 pm starting the 14th February with Jeanne-Sarah, who is already teaching some of artists: traditional and French songs. The choir is open to every members of (…)

16.01.2018 → 26.06.2018
atelier des artistes en exil
102 rue des Poissonniers, Paris

The actress Lisa Spatazza is offering a workshop for teaching French through theatre “to share her desire as an artist and explore ways in expressing it”. Since graduating from ERAC (Cannes Regional School of Acting) in 2014, she has developed both (…)

26.12.2017 → 02.02.2018
atelier des artistes en exil
102 rue des Poissonniers, Paris

We have the pleasure to announce the winners of the AMARRE residency program : Karam al Zouhir for his project Another Country Wael Qadour and Mohammad al Rashi for the project Chronicles of A City We Never Knew These artists (…)

22.12.2017 → 08.01.2018
atelier des artistes en exil, 102 rue des poissonniers

The agency of artists in exile stays open during christmas holidays, expect for the 25th of december and the 1rst of january. We wish you happy holidays!  

102 rue des Poissonniers 75018 Paris
18h - 21h

The agency of artists in exile invites you to the inauguration of its space dedicated to the accompaniment of artists in exile on French territory, on 22 September from 6 pm to 9 pm at 102 rue des Poissonniers 75018 (…)