Li Li K.S.A

  • country
  • Myanmar
  • disciplines
  • music, visual art, composer, improviser and violinist
  • languages
  • Burmese, English
  • born on 01.01.1990
  • in Bhamaw, Myanmar (Burma)
  • lives in Paris

contact information


Born in 1990 in Bhamaw, Myanmar (Burma), Li Li k.s.a is a composer, improviser and violinist. He became passionate about the violin at an early age and benefited from a study program in Germany. He joined the preparatory program of the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt with Heidrun Becker and Yvonne Smeulers. He performs with sound artist Joshua Weltzel and singer Chie Nagai. In February 2018, he performed with pianist Samuel Cho in IDP centers across Myanmar. He performs with violinist Saw Win Maw at the Frankfur – ter Bürgerstiftung. Since the military coup in February 2021, he has organized the group Peaceful Musicians to protest the military takeover in front of the country’s embassies. Passionate about sound art, his projects also include installations. He is a member of l’Atelier des artistes en exil.