Ko Latt

  • country
  • Myanmar
  • disciplines
  • dance, performance, scenography
  • languages
  • Burmese, English
  • born on 12.08.1987
  • in Yangon, Birmanie
  • lives in Marseille, France

contact information


Born in 1987 in Yangon, Myanmar, Ko Latt is a multimedia artist and performer. He graduated in economics from Yangon University. In 2019, he joined the New Zero art space and attended several workshops. He joined the Zurich University of the Art (ZHdK) in 2012. In 2016, he participated in the IASPIS residency programme in Stockholm. Through his art, he tackles homosexuality in Myanmar, the lack of freedom of expression, and the social and cultural barriers that constrain his generation. He participated in artistic movements against the military regime, individually and with the 3AM collective. He performed for Art Tripping in Lyon and at the 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art in Brisbane (Australia). He arrived in France in 2021 and lives in Marseille. He is a member of l’Atelier des artistes en exil.
