Dmitry Bulnygin

©Alexandre Katchkaev
  • country
  • Russia
  • disciplines
  • visual art, video, vjing, sculpture, art video
  • languages
  • Russian, English, French
  • born on 04.08.1965
  • in Novossibirsk, Russia
  • lives in Paris, France

contact information


Born in 1965 in Novosibirsk, Russia, Dmitry Bulnygin is a visual artist and video maker. He graduated from the School of Architecture in Novosibirsk in 1990, and creates multimedia installations, performative videos and short films. From 1999 to 2004, he worked within the collective Blue Noses. From 2002 to 2015, he directed the ESF Festival (short films of less than a minute). Since 2017, his practice has turned to sculpture. He is a member of the aa-e.


Big shit happens, 2022-2024

After the Greeks, 2023-2024

Untitled (from the series « Stork, pike, chicken, etc »), 2024

On Guard, from the series « On duty », 2023

Banyan, 2024

Without flesh, solo show, 2022

C’est mon lot, from the series « On duty », 2022

Sebastian, from the series « On duty », 2022