Brisly Diala

  • country
  • Syria
  • disciplines
  • animation, drawing, painting, animation, illustration, theater
  • languages
  • Arabic, English, French
  • born on 01.02.1980
  • in Kuwait
  • lives in Saint-Denis, France

contact information


Born in Kuwait in 1980 to Syrian parents, Diala Brisly is a visual artist who grew up in Damascus. She started her career by creating animations for the Syrian channel, “Spacetoon.” As a socially-conscious artist, she opposed the political divisions in Syria and openly expressed her point of view in works that supported the women’s hunger strike in Adra prison. Ultimately, twenty-three detainees were released. She dedicated her time to children victimized by war, both in Syria and in exile, and hosted artistic workshops and events in refugee camps and alternative education centers from 2014 onwards. In 2015, she sought asylum in France, where she received the Nora scholarship.
