Host artists in exile !

Today, more than two hundred artists in exile are members of ‘’ L’atelier des artistes en exile ‘’, numerous are the ones that face difficulties lodging. They could be in need of a free housing in emergencies, for a short or a long term stay . They could be searching for a place to stay for a small price, while waiting for their social housing or a more preferable situation.

Two profiles stand out :


  • Refuge seekers :

They don’t have the right to work. The state is held responsible for anticipating a monthly payment during their procedure period (330 €) plus offering habitation (Camp, Hotel, etc.).

Although, according to ‘’Le Monde’’, only 50% of refuge seekers gain access to a lodgment . Those who didn’t get the chance to be hosted gets scaled down to solicit the 115.

  • Refugees :

There regularization obtained, Refugees, supported by the state, they have three months to leave the housing that has been assigned for them, three months to be solvent enough to finance a housing .


The aa-e searches for all sorts of lodgments in Île-de-France :

_ Short, for one or two nights, in case of emergencies.

_ Medium and long terms, from a few days to numerous months .


You possess a couch that can be of help for a night or two, your children went to vacation for a few days, you have an empty room in your home, any accessories that could help, an empty house or apartment…


  • The aa-e consider all propositions, as long as the housing offer is decent.
  • The aa-e follows the hosted and the hosts, to insure the good continuity of the stay and the respect of the proposed framework. In case of difficulties, the aa-e undertakes to support the hosted artist .


Fill in the application and state your availability : here