Yakovleva Varya

©Alexandre Katchkaev
  • country
  • Russia
  • disciplines
  • filmmaking, visual art, illustration, animation, graphic design
  • languages
  • Russian
  • born on 08.09.1993
  • in Saratov, Russia
  • lives in Paris

contact information


Born in 1983 in Saratov, Russia, Varya Yakovleva is an animator and film director. Her films are about the brutality of women and the precarious: Oneluv (2022), Life’s a bitch (2021) and Anna, cat-and-mouse (2020). She claims “sketch animation”, on the border of sketch and animation, to free herself from narration. In France since the war in Ukraine, she is a member of the aa-e. She is welcomed at the Cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l’image in Angoulême. Varya Yakovleva exhibits at Magasins Généraux in Pantin, at the Cité Miroir in Liège, Hirvitalo gallery in Tampere, Finland, and Animafest Cyprus in Cyprus.
