Koltsov Alexey

©Alexandre Katchkaev
  • country
  • Russia
  • disciplines
  • music, painting, painting, photography
  • languages
  • Russian, English
  • born on 11.12.1966
  • in Moscow, Russia
  • lives in Paris, France

contact information


Born in 1966 in Moscow, Alexey Koltsov is a musician, painter and photographer. He graduated from the Faculty of Letters of Moscow University, studied photography with Alexander Lapin and in 2005 became a member of the Union of Art Photographers of Russia. In 2011 he joined the musical and performance collective Phurpa with whom he performed in concerts and festivals in Russia, Germany, the Netherlands and England. Later he approached the composition of electronic music and in collaboration with Andrey Zelensky realized the project Rotunda Concerto No. 2 in the framework of the festival Archstoyania (2015) in Nikola-Lenivetz (performed by the Playground Collective). Since 2016, he has returned to visual arts. A self-taught painter, his plastic work revolves around the concepts of trace, temporality and memory. In 2022, he left Russia for France and became a member of the agency of artists in exile.