Brunel Mangani

  • country
  • DRC
  • disciplines
  • painting, sculpture, visual art
  • languages
  • English, French, Lingala
  • Born in 08.04.1988
  • in Kinshasa, RDC

contact information


Born in 1988 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Brunel Mangani is a visual artist. A 2012 graduate of the Académie des Beaux-arts de Kinshasa, he works on the themes of immigration, family relationships and bonding, using painting, sculpture and installation. His work was shown at the Dimension Plurielle exhibition at the Centre Wallonie Bruxelles in Kinshasa in 2008, at the Soko Soko exhibition at the Centre Culturel Français in Kinshasa in 2012, as well as at the Galerie Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo and at the Imago Mundi exhibition in Treviso, Italy, the same year. In 2013, he exhibited at Galerie Alpha Cadres in Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo. He also took part in the World Expo in Dubai in 2021 and the Muntu Linu exhibition at the Musée National in Kinshasa in 2022. Arriving in France in 2022, he is a member of the Atelier des Artistes en Exil.


Alter Ego

Erreur d’enquête.
Matériel militaire
versus matériel de

Erreur d’enquête.
Matériel militaire
versus matériel de

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