Dima Green

  • country
  • Russia
  • disciplines
  • visual art
  • languages
  • French, Russian

contact information


Born in 1976 in Moscow, Dima Green is an artist and activist. He was part of the “Tsvetafor” art collective from 2001 to 2012, and from 2011, he began working with the “MediaUdar” activist art festival in Moscow. In 2014, he joined the “Antikoleso” artist group at CCI Fabrika in Moscow. Since 2017, he has been involved with the FAR, which is focused on reducing risks, and preventing HIV and hepatitis among those who use injectable drugs. In addition to his work creating large installations using colored tape, Dima has been actively involved in collaborative art projects helping various groups, including those facing challenges or disabilities. His projects have often focused on topics like the Ukraine conflict and promoting risk awareness and prevention. He has also captured street scenes with his colored tape collage technique to denounce the plight of the homeless and those in precarious situations. Since 2022, he has been part of the artists’ workshop in exile.